With a price tag of $4.00 to $9.00!! for cold brew iced coffee at your favorite coffee shop, I wanted to try the “homemade” version. It’s easier than you think – and WAY less expensive!
I used a large pitcher for the brewing process, but you can use any large container with a lid. For a 1/2 gallon of cold pressed coffee, the ratio of ground coffee to water is:
1 c of your favorite ground coffee
4 c water
Stir to combine, and let this “brew” 12 – 24 hrs, at room temp.

In the morning, strain the coffee into a fine mesh strainer, lined with a paper towel, or several layers of cheese cloth. This is an essential step!
Pour the strained coffee into a 1/2 gallon container. I found my dark brown 1/2 gallon mason jars at Walmart. Refrigerate for up to 1 week.
This is a “concentrated” coffee mixture, so you will want to mix this with milk to your liking. I fill a martini shaker 1/2 way with ice, then pour in coffee just to cover the ice. I add about 1/2 c of half and half, then another 1/2 c of 2% milk. Add about 1 – 2 Tbsp of sweetener to your taste – sweetened condensed milk is perfect for this. It’s both sweet, and creamy.

Shake the mixture to blend – this is a great way to get a little “froth” going. Take the lid off, and pour the coffee and ice into a tall glass.

You can go a little “coffee shop” with it – and top with whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle – don’t forget the straw!

What is so enjoyable about this beverage, is the SMOOTH taste you get from the cold pressed coffee! It is pretty amazing!