Magic Bars

I wasn’t sure if I should bother to post this gold standby recipe – from the 1960s.  My Mom made them OFTEN, and always called them “Magic Bars”.   They were so quick and easy – about 40 min. to make and bake, and everyone loved them. I always have all of the 6 ingredients in my pantry, so can whip these up in a snap!  After all – hasn’t everyone had one of these yummy treats at one time or another??  Or made them over and over again??

Well, I recently shared these yummy treats with my co-workers, and was shocked to hear that several of them had never heard of, nor tasted a Magic Bar!!  Of course they loved them, and asked for the recipe – which I was happy to share.  That was the deciding moment.  I thought – I really do need to share this recipe afterall!

I change the ingredients occasionally – to incorporate peanut butter or white chocolate chips, pecans or other nuts.  Any of these flavors will create a delicious Magic Bar!  The “magic” in these bars for sure is the can of sweetened condensed milk.  There is NO substitute for this, and it gives them that “gooey” sweet taste and texture that everyone loves!


1 stick unsalted butter
1 1/2 c graham cracker crumbs
1 c chopped walnuts
1 c chocolate chips
1 c sweetened flaked coconut
1 can sweetened condensed milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place the stick of butter into a 13″ x 9″ baking pan.  (You don’t even need a bowl for this!).

Place the pan in the oven for about 6-7 min, or until ALMOST melted.  You don’t want to brown the butter.  Remove from the oven, and stir until all of the butter is melted.

Add the graham cracker crumbs, and stir to combine until all crumbs are moistened.

Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the pan using a spoon, flat bottom glass, or other flat kitchen tool.

Add the next 3 ingredients in any order you like – I tend to add the nuts first, then the chocolate chips, then the coconut.  It really doesn’t matter.  I used a combination of semisweet chocolate chips, and white chocolate chips since that’s what I had on hand.  Sprinkle a layer of each over the crumb layer.

Now it’s time for the “magic”!  Stir the can of sweetened condensed milk with a spoon (it sometimes settles at the bottom).  Then pour it slowly over the bars, until everything is covered.  Be sure to scrape every last bit of goodness out of the can!!

Bake at 350 for 20 – 25 min.  Check for light browning at 20 min.  Return to oven for 2 min at a time, until desired color is achieved.

Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside!  Cool, slice, serve, and love these at much as I do!





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